Was ist unser Energiesystem und wie funktioniert die Energieheilung?

Energy healing means bringing back in balance the energies of a conscient being, this can be of human, animal or also a plant incarnation. Plants have their own ways and support systems of energetically healing themselves and so does earth. Animals in the wild usually don’t need energy healing unless going through unnatural high trauma, e.g. wild horses being caught by helicopters in the US. Other traumatic events for animals, are quickly transformed by physical reactions (for example: fight, flight, tremble, sweating) as well as the earth’s energies themselves are healing for animals and of course the plants around them. So, if you see a deer taking a nap in the sun, you can imagine it is taking in all of the sun’s energy, all of the light frequency is pretty much without any barrier going in and through the energetic field of the deer and doing its work.

Humans are wired a little different. If we are taking a bath in the sun, very likely our mind is active, our body is active – our whole being is in a state of “being” the way it is in that moment as a result from everything that has happened in the past – it is almost never not soft and penetrable like an animal’s energetic system would be.

During our life we are creating a lot of barriers around us to protect us. We are creating these barriers as a result of traumatic events (trauma can be something very small and seemingly unsignificant like a loud surprising sound when we’re still very young and little). Every trauma that we live through, every life experience so to speak, has an influence on our energetic field and we hold on to it. That sounds quite negative, holding on to something, but it doesn’t have to be – we hold on to these experiences to learn. In most cases, this is a very good way of being, as it allows us to exponentially grow, develop new brain neurons and go further and beyond of what our parents could teach us.
Energetically, we are a very fast evolving being. Even though our physical bodies often find it difficult to catch up with our energetic, emotional, and intellectual growth, but that’s another subject and leads us to understand why our body needs food that is still food and not a finished meal wrapped in plastic (short note: our bodies don’t recognize processed food as “food” and it takes them tremendous energy to unravel the mystery we have put in our mouth).

So, humans energetic systems learn all the time from the outside as well as inside experiences. Inside experiences are for example emotions and thoughts. (We could argue that these are influenced from the outside as well and in many cases I would agree, but let’s leave the opportunity open, that some emotions and thoughts are purely coming from the inside).

Imagine your energetic system like layers of colors and different textures inside and all around you. It is constantly changing and moving and actually quite flexible. However, every single experience of our life has had its imprint on those systems. As a clairvoyant, I can read that systems and feel the imprints and later translate that into an image. Other clairvoyants might immediately physically see the energy system and might describe the colors and textures of your energy field and later translate that into feelings and understanding. The energy field around us is a way of communicating who we are and what our story is. I can see in the future, all human incarnations being able to sense, see and translate this information just as easy, as today, we can tell, someone with an arm in a sling, has hurt their arm. The arm in the sling is an image we can see, and we can translate that into a piece of information “that person has hurt its arm”. It is the same with the energy system, we are just learning how to read and translate this information now. As the earth frequency keeps changing, more and more people will be able to read and translate this information until one day, it is as normal and clear as a broken arm. Imagine, how much closer and intimate society will become, when we know at every instant, how someone else feels and what their personal energetic state of being is like. The compassion and understanding of such a reality, will bring us to evolve into other dimensions quickly after that.

But let’s get back to how to heal that energy system – and why does it need healing in the first place?

As I explained at the beginning, our energy system is very changeable and flexible, yet it also holds on to experiences to grow from them. If an experience has had a negative impact on us, the first reaction to hold on to it, is to grow from that experience, as the information in the system is – danger, this has hurt. Hence, the energy system will move into a state of tension, state of crispiness, a state of retrieval, a state of… you name it. The reaction our energy system has at impact time, is pretty much the state, it will stay in, as the reaction, is a way of protecting further damage. Let’s go back to the hurt arm – let’s say it broke by falling from the bike. The moment the arm hit the ground and the bone broke, the whole system around it, had been torn open, broken, shuttered into pieces and immediately, it will have pulled back, tensed up and intensified the energetic focus on the broken bone – to create like a cushion of protection. We go to the hospital, we usually open the arm, fix the bones, close the arm, put a cover around it, put it in a sling. The physical body, another amazing, amazing tool we have in this incarnation, will do its work, show you with pain to be quiet and not do anything else that could need its attention as it is right now focusing 100% on healing that arm, re-growing the nerves, re-gluing the bones and all the other mysterious and amazing things the body does. The energetic system is continuing to do its job as well, which is, staying in that state of tension and crispiness, to prevent further damage. It is not natural for the energy system to go back to the state before impact, as it is programmed to learn and evolve from every experience and going back to how it was before, would mean, it would pretend the impact never happened.

Now with time, as the physical body heals, the energy system could relax again and take on a healthier, or in other words, a more flexible and flowing form again. However, we are not just made of a physical body, but we also have an emotional body, don’t we? And we also have thoughts, ideas – what I call an intellectual body, or some would call it, an ego body. I don’t like to use the word “ego” as much, as it has been used in so many ways and can have a very negative touch to it. So, let’s just say – the accident that led to the broken arm, had an impact not only on our physical body, but also on our emotions and on our thoughts. And this is where we are different to animals and to plants. Animals are able to let go of their emotions so so quick, and the thoughts don’t even follow. They don’t really have thoughts as we experience them, they have more of an intuitive intellect. So, there is no part in their being repeating back to them from a purely intellective point of view, to be more careful when running down the hill next time. They just know or they don’t, hence you might see animals doing the same “mistake” a couple of times, until their whole being has learnt the steps. So, the emotions they experience, are in the moment only and as life continues, they move on and so do their emotions. Humans however, experience emotions and connect intellectual thoughts to them. As life moves on, we don’t. We often live in the past or in the future but find it difficult to live in the present. Why? Because we have given a lot of priority to our intellect, which is connected to our emotions – which are connected, to our energy field.
I am not saying, this is a bad thing. Our intellect is a very important piece of this incarnation and is part of the evolution that we are seeking. However, let’s go back to the energy systems and why it is important to understand the connections. So, our broken arm has physically healed completely. Emotionally, we may have or have not worked through the fear that has happened for sure and maybe there were other secondary emotions that got triggered like shame or guilt, powerlessness or helpless. Whatever the emotions were, we tend to not work through them immediately, we don’t let our bodies shake or cry as they would if we allowed our emotions to be expressed through them. We often don’t speak either, as we would, if we would allow our emotions to be expressed through our intellect. It is as if we have forgotten how to teach our kind, how to live and grow with emotions. We also don’t let go of the thoughts around the accident. We believe our thoughts and some of them, I am sure, are thoughts that lead us to grow from the experiences. For example: “the next time it is so steep, I will break earlier and make sure I have less speed”. That would be a positive thought that leads us to learn and grow from these experiences and has a positive influence on our energetic system. But… and this will be familiar to all of us – there are other not so positive thoughts: I am useless, I am not a good biker, I will never succeed in this sport…. These kinds of thoughts, are not helping us to grow… And they are not helping the energy systems to move out of the tension either. They are not helping our emotions to be expressed or transformed. Our thoughts are very often the very source of our energetic field being stuck in a state of trauma.

Of course, one can argue, and I agree, that the physical impact itself is imprinted in the energetic system, and yes, that’s what I just described. With an animal, that broke its leg, that would be the same scenario, however, the energetic impact after the leg has healed completely would be quite small and might only be detected when looking very closely and probably, only, when the animal has some residue pain or impaired mobility. As the animal has completely let go of the emotions from the impact (remember, they experience emotion in the moment only) and it doesn’t have an intellect repeating negative thoughts about themselves, they will not have that constant story in their energy systems.

As humans, we teach our energy systems, that whatever has happened, is still happening. And this is when and why energy healing is so powerful.

What does energy healing mean though?

Energy healing means, teaching the energy systems, what has happened in the past is no longer happening. It is updating the emotions and thoughts to the present moments. It is letting go of something that has happened in the past yet taking the learning with us. It is not pretending it has never happened, it is not about suppressing or dismissing a negative traumatic event, never. What has happened has happened and it has, or it can, let us grow tremendously. Once we let go of our tendency to stay stuck in traumatic events, we can go through life much lighter and we can evolve, quicker and easier.

First step though is, to make an inventory and go through past traumatic experiences. Read the energy system, go back to what it is still holding on to, transform the emotions and the thoughts – and – if needed – do the physical healing. In my example above I described an accident where the physical healing was successful, but this might not always be the case and, then the physical body needs support as well to heal. So, make inventory. Let’s look at all the grey molds in your energy systems, go inside, let those emotions out, let those thoughts be questioned and heal.

Why is it important to heal?

Energetically, every traumatic event where the energy system is still protecting (meaning: it is tense, crisp, shattered – in short: not flowing) the energy system is using tremendous energy to keep that protection, to stay tense and not be flexible and flowing. A part of your energy, of your life energy, is literally stuck doing a job, it wouldn’t have to do anymore. So, you have less energy in the present moment, to live and experience your life and grow in the moment.

Further, part of the purpose of human incarnation, for most souls, is soul evolution. We are here to evolve as souls, to learn by going through experiences and bring back to source a different frequency. With stuck energy from past traumatic events (and yes this can be stuck in past lives as well) a part of us, can energetically not completely evolve. We often come back into another incarnation with past traumatic stuck energy to transform and heal those experiences and bring back to source the frequency of having overcome this specific challenge. Energy healing is helping us to change our frequency by unblocking past traumatic events.

How is energy healing done?

There are so many different ways of energy healing. Reiki, color therapy, quantum healing, sound therapy, meditation, osteopathy — just to name a few. My preference for energy healing is Regression Therapy. Regression Therapy is the tool to regress back to the source of a traumatic event. It opens the memories and the stuck energies around something that has happened in the past, and allows the being that experienced the traumatic event, to transform and heal it from its own power. There is something tremendously different about healing yourself and letting yourself be healed. If you are doing the work from your own conscious strength, you are empowering yourself, you believe in the healing from deep within and there is very low tendency, to go back to a state of being stuck. Letting yourself be healed, often doesn’t penetrate the subconscious beliefs around the event and the energetic field will soon go back to the tense, crisp, not flowing state.
You are the driver of your energetic field; you are your energetic field. You have the power to unstuck it as much as you have the power, to tense it up, to protect yourself from further damage and to stop other energies or – impacts – from entering your system. As human incarnations we are immensely powerful, and we can have control over our thoughts, emotions and energy. Funny enough, the energetic field doesn’t need to be “controlled” as its natural state is flexible and flowing. However, very often, our thoughts or our “ego” needs to be used consciously in the right way. I am not a fan of the word “control” however I use it so you understand what I mean with “you have the power”. I mean, you are in control – but it is often not a controlling way of being, it is a flowing way of being for all instances. It is overall, a conscious state of being, knowing and feeling yourself and using the right tools in the right place. We can put our priority to the system that needs it most – in orders words, focusing on helping the physical body to heal, when it tells us, focusing on letting our emotions be felt, when they show us and focusing on our thoughts to create and learn, when it feels like we will evolve through this process.  
Our thoughts are very powerful, but they are never the first instance to listen to. Maybe you noticed how I wrote that the body would tell us when it needs us, and we should instantly listen. The emotions will show us when they are here, and we should instantly listen. The thoughts are always present – and we should never listen but always feel if following a thought resonates as an evolving process or if it resonates as a fearful and constringing process.

And with this I leave you to it, your intellect has just done tremendous work reading these words and likely, your emotional and physical body have reacted to the thought processes you went through while reading this and so has your energetic systems. You just made an imprint in your energetic system from this experience, from reading this text. I have on purpose finished with some lines to empower you and let you feel and know that you have the power of healing already within yourself. You are extremely powerful; you are perfect and capable. And I want your energetic system to take this frequency with you in your day and use it, when you are ready, to unravel and look at the molds, the traumatic impacts, in your energetic system and release them.

Of course, you can always get in touch with me, if you feel there is stuck energy from the past, that is in your subconscious, and you are not quite able to access it. Whatever happened in the past will have an impact in your now and you can probably feel a repetition of triggers and negative emotions that are difficult to explain. I am here to facilitate your process and help you gain access to the source of a traumatic event, transform it, and heal. You will see; the remembering – you do it. The transformation – you do it. The healing – you do it. Because you can.

Mit Liebe,



Das Buch, das Leben verändert - Dr. Brian L. Weiss


Die große schwarze Leere.